Limb drop off

Lyons Fire and Boulder County Wildfire Partners will be hosting a Tree Limb Drop Off event at the Town of Lyons Public Works Facility, October 26, beginning at 0830. We will be collecting tree limbs and branches to help mitigate the fire risk in our district.

Branches and limbs ONLY.

• NO yard waste, roots, grass, pine needles, pine cones, tree stumps, flood debris, dirt, rocks, construction materials, lumber or trash. It will not be accepted.

• No construction debris or treated lumber. No nails or wire in limbs. It will not be accepted.

• Limbs should be cut as straight as possible. Limbs must be less than 6" in diameter and all cuts facing the same direction.

• Self-service, you will need to unload your vehicle

• Residential Use Only

• Volunteers will ensure materials meet the requirements

• No commercial drop-off accepted


IV/IO Course Offering