Earth Day 2024

Celebrate Earth Day Every Day!

Ways you can help

  • Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

  • Shop Smart and support businesses that minimize waste

  • Reuse Shopping Bags and try to buy products with recycled or green packaging.

  • Conserve water by limiting car washing, watering lawns, and long showers.

  • Volunteer for cleanup projects; We sponsor chipping programs throughout the year, and you can get involved in other town and county-wide efforts!

Other Ways You Can Help

Rake up fallen leaves and pine needles

Remove dead leaves, pine needles, and timber litter and dispose of them in approved compost bins. This can help keep your property safe during wildfire conditions.

Keep foliage near the home mowed and weed-wipped

During the growing season, keep foliage trimmed so that there is a gap between your house and the foliage. This can help to give your house a buffer in the event of a wildfire.

Limb up trees and dispose of branches responsibly

Trim trees on your property at least 10 feet from the ground. Haul away limbs or use the limbs as mulch. A buildup of tree limbs can act as fuel for wildfires.